Spirituality and Psychiatry
What is spirituality, and what does it have to do with psychiatry? These are good questions but not easily answered; they evoke a lot of debate. Some people think that spirituality is indefinable. Some...
View ArticleWriting the North of England in the Middle Ages
At Gateshead, along the A1 south of Newcastle, a 20-meter-high colossus stares out over the landscape. While some passersby have referred to it as the “Gateshead Flasher,” for its outstretched arms and...
View ArticleObjects, Memory, and Place: The Background of Gruesome Looking Objects
Historians are people of the paper, always hoping for the revelation of some remarkable event sitting unremarked upon in an archival page. We are equally sure that such revelations are rare, and...
View ArticleA two-way approach to Early Christianity
By writing counter-clockwise, beginning from the Medieval Ages moving backwards towards the beginnings of Christianity. Based on the restrospective account that has been introduced by How to write...
View ArticleSex, Drugs, and Rock-n-roll?
The flower children of the 60s are now in their 60s and beyond, but their hippiedom is not just a vague memory of their rebellious youth. My recent study of aging hippies reveals that “once a hippie,...
View ArticleScience, Religion, and Explanation
Human beings are explanation-seeking creatures. When something happens in our lives or in the world around us, we long for a satisfying understanding of it. That sense of satisfaction usually only...
View ArticleEmotion and the Self in English Renaissance Literature
Well over a decade ago, scholars acknowledged an “affective turn” or “turn to emotions” taking place across disciplines. Yet within the “turn to emotion,” certain types of emotion still turn up far...
In my book The Old Enemies (CUP) I described 1845 as ‘a year of religious crises’. Later, when looking at broader trends that year, I was surprised by the sustained intensity of crises that also arose...
View ArticlePoor White Southerners in the American Imaginary
Travel about twenty-five miles south from my house and eighty-seven years back in time and you’d have a shot at encountering one of the twentieth century’s most influential artists taking the picture...
View ArticleA moral basis for healthcare funding
Unfortunately economics has a bad reputation. Its policy prescriptions are often seen as unfair, and its methods based on a world of fanciful assumptions. In its application in the public sector, it is...
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